
Fishing In France – Baz Morgan – Part 2

In my last article I explained the basic licence system in France. What I failed to say was that as far as I know there are no concessions for pensioners or disabled etc, but I will check that out on my next visit.  The river Mayenne is one of those venues that I am really keen to explore in the future. Up

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Summerhayes – Open – 26th March 2017

The match was on Longs this week and the good news was that the weather was a lot better than it has been, the bad news was that the Torquay Tart had text me to say he was fishing today! I picked Janders up and as soon as we pulled into the car park I could see the Tart waving at us

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Steve Gardener Interview

My latest interview is with England legend, Steve Gardener and if you haven’t read his book yet, I really recommend it, you can get it here – Steve Gardener…A Life in Match Fishing, it’s a cracking read! Hi Steve, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions; I recently read and reviewed your book, Steve Gardener… A Life

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Summerhayes – Open – 19th March 2017

It was back to Summerhayes this week and Janders was coming along to fish his first match in ages, the match was on Sellicks and there have been some good silvers weights coming out. I was actually early picking him up and even had time for a bacon roll while we waited for the draw. Looking at the lake, the pegs on

Liq Plum Main

New Bait-Tech Products For 2017

There’s always lots of excitement when a fashion house reveals its latest collection, similarly when a car manufacturer launches a new model, a football club shows off the latest strip or a band announces a new album. Well for me, although I enjoy footy and music, I also really look forward to Bait-Tech’s new additions to their fantastic range every year.There’s always a

Steve Jackson

Quick Bites – Steve Jackson

The latest ‘Quick Bite’ is with Steve ‘Jacko’ Jackson fresh from qualifying for another Fish O Mania final. Hi Steve, what a time to interview you after qualifying yet again for the Fish O Mania final with over 140lbs from the Viaduct. Can you tell us a little more about yourself?                  Hello, yes originally I’m from Mansfield but moved to the West Country aged

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Perry St Pond – 12th March 2017

I didn’t get to fish the Perry St League last year due to the dates clashing with the Isle matches and I have to say I missed it, so I was delighted when Les phoned and said this years dates were back to normal. The last time I fished it, I’d done well fishing pellet shallow and meat at five metres and

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Quick Bites – John Lacey

In another new feature for the blog, I hope to bring you some quick Q & A’s with local inspirational characters, stars of the South West match scene, anybody really with a story to tell or something interesting to say. First up is John Lacey who lost a leg five years ago due to a blood clot (many thanks to Baz Morgan

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Burt Baits Chocolate Orange Review

I was talking to Burt Baits boss, Tony Wynnick, the other day and he said he’d send me the latest addition to the range, Chocolate Orange, to try out. A package duly arrived and as soon as I opened it, it certainly did what it said on the tin as a gorgeous chocolatey, orange aroma hit me. The Chocolate Orange range The Chocolate


Fishing in France – Baz Morgan – Part 1

The latest guest blog is from Baz Morgan with loads of great info on fishing in France. If you would like to submit an article, review or catch report please send me an e-mail using the contact form in the sidebar of the blog. Hello. My name is Baz Morgan, I have been a follower of Jamie’s blog for many years. I have

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