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River Isle – IAA Winter League 2 – 24th October 2021

For round two of the Haines Angling and Allen & Woodard Building Contractors sponsored winter league we were on the Isle which was looking unlikely earlier in the week when the river was in the fields! Twenty anglers were booked in and would be spread over the Coxes, Redbridge and Isle Brewers sections. As always we were well looked after at the

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Revels Fishery – Open – 19th October 2021

After three really enjoyable matches at Revels, I was back for another go and Parker ‘The Pole’ was once again joining me. Typically the weather had been gorgeous all last week but the forecast was grim for today – lovely! We had a really good breakfast before heading off to the fishery. Despite the rubbish weather, there was still a good turnout


River Isle – Ilminster vs Stoke – 17th October 2021

Some more sad news this week when I heard Adrian Green had passed away after a long battle with cancer. I hadn’t seen Adrian for a long time, in fact the last time I saw him was at the first memorial match for his great friend Barney Crockett. The pair of them were massive influences on me when I started fishing, Adrian

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When is a Club Angler not a Club Angler?

Before I even attempt to answer the question in the title of this post, I think it would be useful to define what a club angler is, so here goes, Club Angler – angler who is a member of a fishing club and may or may not fish club matches. and then you have open anglers, Open Angler – angler who fishes

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Summerhayes – Open – 10th October 2021

Summerhayes was the destination for this Sunday’s match and it was on Sellicks lake which I haven’t fished for ages. We met at the bowling club for breakfast and it was busy with anglers heading to Avalon for a Stoke match. I sat with The Grand Wizard and Mr Burns who were fresh back from France where they’d caught loads of big

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Revels Fishery – Open – 5th October 2021

If you regularly read this blog, you can’t have failed to notice how much I’ve enjoyed my first two visits to Revels. It’s lovely silvers fishing with quality roach, perch and skimmers, the weights are normally really close and I haven’t had too much carp trouble so far. Steve ‘The Pole’ said he fancied coming along this week as well. After breakfast

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River Isle – IAA Winter League 1 – 3rd October 2021

I always look forward to getting back on the river and after winning the league two years ago, I got off to the perfect start last season with section wins in the first two rounds only for Covid to come along and the rest of the series was cancelled. For this year we have some fantastic sponsorship for the series from Haines

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Trinity Waters – 26th September 2021

The next Stoke match saw us back at Trinity and looking at the blog the last time we were here was over two years ago, where does the time go? In that match I won the silvers by default with 13lb 12oz but got distracted from my plan and tried fishing for carp when I should have stuck to fishing for silvers.

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Revels Fishery – Open – 21st September 2021

After my first visit a few weeks back when I had a lovely day, I’d been itching to get back so booked a day off work to fish the Tuesday open. Up bright and early, I stopped for breakfast at the Airfield Tavern in Yeovil which was very nice before heading to the fishery. I arrived in good time and the first

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Dillington Pond – Bob Hammond Memorial Match – 19th September 2021

I always look forward to Bob’s match, to remember a lovely guy and as it’s rod only, it’s nice to do something a little different and of course we raise some money for a worthwhile cause. There was a great turnout once again, although last years winner, Baz, couldn’t defend his title as he was still out of action with his bad